Task 1: Vector & Raster

Vector Images

Raster Images

Task 2: Tracing Logo
First, I'm gonna find a logo pic that I want to trace.
[This is the logo pic that I want to trace~]

Next, I put the logo pic onto my blank document & make it into a template~

I draw out the outline~

After that I'm gonna color it, starting from the body [dark brown]~

The face [light brown], the blue ribbon & glasses, & white highlights~

The dark choco eyes, nose, eyebrows & shadow, the dark blue shadow of the ribbon & the light blue highlights.
This is the final result of my tracing~

Task 3: Gradient Color

First, I'm gonna choose a pic.
[This is the pic I choose to do gradient~]

I put in the pic & make it into a template.

Trace out all the outlines~

After that, I color the body part by using gradient color. Here I use 4 different colors, I adjust the type, location, angle & volume to spread.

Then, I color the beak part by using gradient color. Here I use 2 different colors.

After I had done all the colors, I just blind the outline & only the colors are visible.
This is the final result of my Gradient Color~

Task 4: Tracing a Human Vector Art

This is the pic that I choose to trace~

First, I will do tracing on the face & hair.

Next, I trace the hand & body.

After tracing, I started coloring the face & neck and added the white necklace. For the face, I use yellowish-brown and greyish brown. And lips with peach color.

Next is the hair, hand and of course the accessories.

Last is the shirt and the background. Here I use greyish green color for the shirt.
This is my final result~

Task 5: Typography

This is the pic I choose~
[Turning Red - Red Panda]

The first start with the red panda itself. I type the words and choose a font that I want, then I adjust it. 

After I fill in the others, I duplicate the layer and expand it so it wouldn't move.

Lastly, I use compound path to make two or more paths interact with each other. Then I use the clipping mask. This is my final result~

Task 6: Photo Retouch

This is the photo I choose to retouch.

Task 7 : Colorize

This is the photo I choose to colorize~

Firstly, I color the body part using brownish orange. For the blending mode of this layer, I choose color.

Secondly, I color the eyes using mint blue. I use overlay for the blending mode of this layer.

Thirdly, I use choco brown to color the tree trunk. Here I use the soft light for the blending mode of the layer.

Lastly, I color the rocks using tons of different colors. I use vivid light for the blending mode of the layer.

Task 8 : Photo College

These are the pic I choose and will use in my photo collage~

This is the wallpaper I will use for my background.

Here I add 2 moons, a milky way, and a black hole. For the blending mode of the layer here I use luminosity for the large moon, linear dodge (add) for the milky way, and hard light for the black hole.

Then I add Wall-E & Eva, a UFO, and some shooting stars trail. For the blending mode of the layer here I use the screen for the UFO.

Lastly, I add Princess Serenity (Sailor Moon), Goku (Dragon Ball), and a spaceship. For the blending mode of the layer here I use lighten for Princess Serenity and lighter color for the spaceship.
This is my final result~

Final Project : Create an artwork using Ai (Adobe Illustator) & Ps (Adobe Photoshop)

This is my draft for my artwork~

Firstly, I will use Ai to draw out the outlines.

After done drawing the outlines, I color them.

This is what the background looks like after being colored.

After colored the background, I color the lady.

Here I use Ps to put the clouds from the pic on the mountains, and some stars too.

Lastly, I choose the hair and dress texture and adjust it. I even darken some parts to make the shading.
This is my final result~
