Task 1: Colouring

This is the image that I will be coloring by using AI.

First, I make a green background before coloring it.
(It's easier to see the parts that have not been colored.)

As you can see, I have colored some parts and added some shading.

Next, I colored the robe, shirt, and belts. And of course, I added the shading to make it more realistic.

Here I use purple color to do the background as purple stands for magic. My lecture said that it will look better if I remove the lines, and yes I did remove and it is indeed better without the lines

So for the gold frame, I use a bevel & emboss effect on it.

As you can see from the image above, I added the outer glow effect in the magic ball so that it will look more realistic. And the result is better than the original.

Here I added the outer glow effect on the magic ball so that it will look like it's glowing.

I draw the hand on a new layer and make it in front of the magic ball so that it won't look weird.
(You could see the hand were covered by the light from the previous image.)

For the gems on the magic stick, I also used the outer glow effect on it as it will look more pretty.
(Shine bright like a diamond/gem)

This is my final result for my witch.

Task 2: Portrait Drawing

 This is the portrait I choose to do. All of the processes are done by using PS(Adobe Photoshop).

First and foremost, I trace out the lines so that it will be easier to know the location of the parts and easier for me to color.  I put up a mint color background so that when I'm coloring, I wouldn't miss a part.

First, I color the face. By coloring the face, I use the eyedropper tool to take the exact color from the portrait and use the brush tool to color it. After that, I use the Mixer brush tool to blend the colors. (I use the same method for the process below.)

Next, I color the neck and the hand.

And I color the black dress.

For the hair, I color a base before drawing the hair.

After the hair is done, I color the golden earring.

And Finally, I color the background. This is the final result of my portrait drawing.

Task 3: Portrait Food
This is the image I choose to do.

First and foremost, I trace out the outline.

Next, I color the whirl shape chocolate and the light brown chocolate.

Then, I color the blueberries, leaves, and the purple flower.

Next, I color the white cream.
Moreover, I color the brownies, some crunchies, drops of syrup, and the shadows.
Finally, I color the background. This is the final result of my portrait food.

Final Assignment:
